During my long and non-conventional career path I have held all of these positions. Movie ticket and concessions expert, accountant for a truck stop, financial analyst and beer tasting geek, Telemarketer of time-shares, nearly every restaurant position, bartender, private investigator, process server, should I keep going? Film and TV extra, retail sales auditor, data entry clerk for Neilson ratings, retail sales software analyst, payroll manager, website designer, website producer, brand manager, content editor, information architecture teacher, database administrator, project manager, my most important jobs of all - MOM, PTA president, Basketball Booster Club Parent, Snack Bar Diva - have you had enough? I promise that I am getting to the point, because everything that I have done has brought me to this most amazing place that I am now!
In 2002 the perils of corporate and dotcom life were getting to me. I began to experience odd health issues - most of which could not be fully explained by medical professionals. A co-worker suggested we attend lunch time yoga classes, which helped immensely with my anxiety and stress levels. Two years later, I took a giant leap of faith into the realm of self-employment, hoping to positively impact my health and to be more present for my school aged kids.
My yoga practice was also beginning to evolve me. I decided to enroll in a teacher training program. When they say that these programs are life changing, they really can be. During this journey is where I found my inner Weird Al Yankovic. My fascination with parody began with my 7th grade self. I would spend hours listening to music and making up silly lyrics. When Al hit the scene in 1976 I figured my future in lampooning was over, but during the long, immersive yoga weekends, the phrase "that's a t-shirt" was uttered into existence.
We would inevitably get a little punchy after hours of studying anatomy or yoga postures and the ideas would flow. At one point our fearless mentor and yoga teacher extraordinaire said (in her fantastic English accent) "we need to put that on a t-shirt". After that, future witty, sarcastic, and silly remarks were always followed by "that's a t-shirt!" I began to design "left field" t-shirts. My first shirt "Send Yoga, Sage and Puppies" a tribute to Frank Zappa's "Send Lawyers, Guns and Money" song, debuted on November 17, 2020.
I was also exploring making my own body care products from pure grade essential oils and sustainable/organic ingredients. Many of the additives and preservatives in convention cosmetics were causing me severe skin and immune issues. I began to share these products as gifts to my friends and yoga clients.
My yoga teaching practice was starting to take off and I was managing my health pretty well, but my mom's health was beginning to decline and my involvement in her care was increasing. I ended up feeling completely frustrated and exhausted when I began to deal with her care on a daily basis and I struggled to understand her behavior and personality - at times she seemed to be confused and at odds with herself! I took a class to study both of our natal birth charts and that is what kick started my adventures in astrology.
The last year of her life was hard for her and I, but I feel that astrology really helped both of us immensely with our mental health It helped me care for her in a way that I don't think I would have been capable of before I began working with an astrologist. It has weaved it's way into every facet of my life now including the energy products and services that I provide to clients.
The next chapter of my journey took me deep into the earth as I kicked my study of crystals and stones into a higher realm and completed my first certification through Upper Clarity School of Stone Medicine. Stone Medicine has its roots in ancient Chinese medicine and is similar to crystal healing in that it corresponds to the vibrations and the chemical makeup, formation and properties of the stones.
I will never be done learning, growing and doing my part to share my knowledge of yoga, movement, astrology, and the incredible ability of the earth to heal us at a soul level through plants, herbs and stones. Thank you for visiting my website and for reading my story. I hope that we meet up soon so I can learn about yours!