Eat. Sleep. Create. Write. Repeat.

New Products – Scrub and Soak with Hops!

August 20, 2022

ser·en·dip·i·ty/ˌserənˈdipədē/nounthe occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.Here is the back story of the Very Hip Hop Body Scrub and Soak.  This is the beta name and label, I’m taking suggestions, but I thought it was a nice little pun.  In the later part of June this year, I…

New Product – Gemstone Bracelets

January 12, 2022

My affinity for gemstone bracelets is no secret, if you know me I’m never without at least 3 bracelets on my wrist. Each bracelet and stone that makes it’s way onto my wrist and forearm is there to create a meaning, energy or a reminder for me. Wearing gemstones every day is an amazing way…

Winter Solstice

December 20, 2021

On Tuesday, December 21st we will observe the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s our official start to the winter season, and the beginning of the light returning to our skies as the days get longer, and we move towards spring. We also transition from Sagittarius to Capricorn…

Sagittarius Body Scrub

Zodiac Scrubs – Sagittarius

November 23, 2021

Release Date: 11/23/2021 The ARCHER. The seeker and adventurer. A bundle of energy, always eager to move, learn and experience. Fire Sign with Jupiter as your ruling planet. This calming blend is the perfect way to balance your endless quest and gypsy soul. Bergamot, Cedarwood, Copaiba, Grapefruit, ThymeOils (Coconut, Almond, Jojoba)Epsom Salt Sodalite promotes calmness…

Fall Body Scrub

Autumn Equinox

September 22, 2021

Even before we notice the leaves changing colors – which happens far later here in Southern California than the rest of the country – we sense the change of the seasons as summer starts to wind down in the northern hemisphere. The Autumn Equinox gives us a chance to honor the harvest, either in the literal…

New Product – Irish Sea Moss Scrub

August 28, 2021

I honestly do most of my weekly shopping at farmers markets, as a result I have been introduced to other amazing products, many have changed my health and my lifestyle.  Once upon a time (during a pandemic) I met a couple of dynamic young men selling sea moss gel.  I was intrigued by the product…

Zodiac Body Scrub for Less

Zodiac Scrubs – Leo

July 20, 2021

Release Date: 7/23/2021 The LION. Fun loving, loyal, theatrical, creative and hard to resist! Fire Sign with the Sun (of course) as your ruling planet. This sunny blend honors Leo’s strength and stamina. Cypress, Ginger, Lavender, Myrhh, and Ylang YlangOils (Coconut, Almond, Jojoba)Epsom Salt Tiger’s Eye supports Leo’s confidence and positivity.

Cancer Zodiac Body Scrub

Zodiac Scrubs – Cancer

June 21, 2021

Release Date: 6/22/2021 The CRAB. Compassionate, nurturer and healers, highly intuitive, empaths with a surprising sense of humor. Water Sign with the Moon as your ruling planet. This protective blend assists with tranquility and healing. Frankincense, Rosemary, Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang, and ChamomileOils (Coconut, Almond, Jojoba)Epsom Salt Moonstone supports Cancer’s emotional side.

Mother’s Day and the May Gift Box

May 3, 2021

While the origins of Mother’s Day may be controversial I think we can all agree on some level that all of our ancestors deserve to be honored. So despite the fact that in years past I may have had the occasional “Hallmark reaction” and commented that I don’t like when expectations are hyped up, it…

Earth Day Planter

To Recycle or Reuse – Earth Day, 2021

April 22, 2021

I’m always looking for ways to make better, more conscious and eco-friendly decisions for my products – especially since I rely on a healthy growing environment to make everything I sell! It was not an easy decision for me to go to plastic for my body scrubs, but I didn’t want anyone to go through…